Sunday, 12 June 2016


Bad news all 'round this week. The car failed the IVA. The prophecy from the guy collecting the car has come true - estimating about 85% fail first time.

The summary from Caterham was that it passed all the tests, but the examiner (who they have fallen out with on many occasions) failed it on "brake pedal feel". I'm a little irritated that the car is essentially safe for the road, but an examiner's opinion on feel has prevented that. I would expect people working with cars on a daily basis to appreciate that on a new build kit car the brakes will take time to bed in, but apparently not...

Retest 23rd of June, just in case that date needed any more drama!


The car successfully passed on the 23rd of June. I believe Caterham installed a restriction in the brake line, such that the entire pedal feel was much firmer - to please the IVA examiner.

All the forms are now in the post - roll on collection day!