Sunday 10 January 2016

Getting Close!

Well, I have a delivery date!!! On the thirteenth of January I will take delivery of my kit! To say I am excited would be a huge understatement!

6 months ago the garage was a total mess; a double garage rammed with so much stuff that you could barely get one car in! Sadly I don't have a "before" picture, but the "after" is such a big improvement! The garage clean-up has dominated the past few months, involving multiple new shelves, a new workbench, sealing the concrete floor and new lights. Hopefully the end result is a space ideal for building a Caterham, despite the clutter my Mum insists we keep (note the rocking chair covered in white sheet - right pain in the arse).

 Ignore the wet footprints!

A nice tidy, organised corner!

1 comment:

  1. Looking good, but today's the day! ;-)
