Monday, 28 March 2016

Hood and doors

The hood posed an interesting challenge. It was a very tight fit and definitely required two people just to get it loosely in place. We managed to get it in place "good enough" to fit the doors. A piece of advice for the doors is to ensure the hinge that you fit to the door is drilled through the metal piece which runs around the edge of the window. This metal is very hard and is a bit of a pain to drill.

Hood and doors in place
I have left the hood to try and stretch it into shape. and the doors still need the retaining poppers fitting.

Door follows the counter of the rear arch nicely
It was while we were waiting for the hood to stretch in place that the car was lowered onto its wheels for the first time. This made it look very small; it's so low!
On the wheels. 
There are still a few issues to tackle; like the remaining tasks on the hood and doors and an issue I have with the engine idling. It seems to be unstable at idle. It had this issue at 900RPM, so I adjusted the throttle and it still has the same problem at 1100RPM. It seems to phase up and down in revs, like their is an inconsistency in fuel flow. To me it seems like and ECU issue - the controller gains not setup properly?

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